Website listing, reviewing decentralized/privacy technologies, networks. Technology blog.

PGP fingerprint: 4A792049C8DD2B40DA125FE9D6E8C27AC1E025FB
PGP public key

E-mail: (checked infrequently)
Matrix/ account: (mostly unused)

Send me an e-mail or a message if you like the website, or you have suggestions.

The website is hosted on GitHub Pages:

The website is/was also experimentally hosted on IPFS and Dat/Hypercore (Beaker Browser). IPNS doesn’t work when offline, the IPFS hash always links to an older version of the site. In 2022, the Beaker Browser got discontinued, so those links don’t work anymore.

IPFS: IPNS: /ipns/k2k4r8p94jqhuylcqpmxv8z8rxrmhmycl6jxg44d4yw3k5i96t3v5rhu/
Clearnet gateway
IPFS hash of an older version: /ipfs/QmPNYsbTvAxcffUi3PngHkVFVJ5zKy3g2NQjqQidL84SgF/

Hypercore (Dat, Beaker Browser): hyper://297ceeacd346cd6f0fc6facf8d20c07186c3f9b7aa47c652e5115c7c4902c685/ (doesn’t work anymore)
Old dat address: dat://46415d000a5080de26f2458c4170e954c0e0ae0a914143aac09ab138b298019c/

The website is tiny, mostly text, static, has no JavaScript. Pin it! The website was generated with Jekyll.

Nothing mentioned on this website is advice. No-one is responsible for anything you do. Read and use at your own risk.

Bitcoin: bc1qql72dv3knp9plpkyvu4tvw52mxmhugl0lpnsfg
Nano currency: nano_134f9ki9g83po43iehojqm8gtux793zkrsrfgh4pf45c8phk5dqbjuk3xaeg
The addresses are always signed by me. Want to use another cryptocurrency, or want to test the addresses? E-mail me.

Site version: 1.8.1 20240218